Thursday, January 24, 2013

Painted but not yet Varnished

Hi All,

It has been some time since the last post. I was not exactly lazy, but I did not had so much time as I would have liked it for the Pearl.

Anyway, the Pearl visited the beauty saloon in the mean while. Almost the complete deck is populated now and all the small details that have to be attached to the body are glued now. So, it was time to do some painting.

As you can see in the pictures it got a brownish tint. I am still considering using a very washed black on it. It should just darken it a bit more and get bigger contrast on the body.

You might notice that the colors look a bit different than in the previous posts. The paint is not guilty for this. I took some time to fiddle with the point and shoot camera and now the white balance should be closer to reality. For those of you who did not understand anything from the words above, now you see the Pearl with the same colors I do.

In the next picture you can see a take of the deck with the captains door flanked by the stairs. It looks ready for inspection, the captain might drop anytime to see how the ship looks like. I think he will be happy, she looks more beautiful than ever.

Next one is with almost the entire ship. You can see that now there is a color difference between the body and the deck. Also, some of you with very good vision, might spot that the bell is also on the deck (more about it later ;-) ).

No, the new addition, the bell, in a closeup. It is functional, but it does not make so much noise.

I am also preparing the next step: building the masts. You can see a part of it in the next picture.

 Next, is a picture with the deck almost completely fitted. Of course, the guns are missing for the time being.

So, this is the current state. Next step is to finish the painting and varnish the body. After that, the work on the masts and rigging will start.

I hope you like it until now. More will come soon!

See you!

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