Wednesday, December 12, 2012

First Layer of Planking - Part 2

Hello and welcome back!

Last time I told you I was starting the planking. Well, now it is finished. It was challenging and very fun.

Here are some more pictures with the result.

This my first attempt ever, so i am satisfied with the result.

 You can also see some lateral views in the bulb cast:

and daylight :-) ...

Some sanding was the next step. I still have some work to do at this chapter. But the surface is quite smooth. There still are some areas were some bumps have to be fixed and in some places the surface can be even smoother. I am not yet decided if I am going to try more sanding there or just use some putty to level everything and sand after that. The second choice will probably give better results...

 The next big step is the second layer of planking. In the mean time I will have some fun building some smaller parts that will get on the decks.

See you soon with more updates.

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