Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It Starts To Look Like a Ship

One day later, after the keel dried up and I was sure that all the things fit together, i have started to glue the ribs to the keel.

After all of them were glued together, it started to look (with some imagination, of course) like a ship.

While waiting for the glue to settle I searched the internet for the best way to put the decks on the skeleton. I found out that it is a good idea to 'plank' the decks before put them on the model and not after.

So, I have decided to start planking the main deck. I decided to ignore the instructions that were in the kit at this point and use a planking pattern that I have found in a model forum, http://modelshipworld.com. It contains a lot of resources and ideas about how to do or not to do certain steps. 
To cut the story short, it was more 'historic accurate' to have the planks shifted by quarters and not by halves (as the kit instructions suggested)

I started by measuring the available planks and drawing some lines to guide the process.
I decided not to cut them shorter to make them more 'scale realistic'.

This is what the end result looks like. It seems pretty realistic to me :-).

That's it for tonight, more to come tomorrow. 

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