Saturday, December 15, 2012

Second Layer of Planking

Today I was supposed to go and have some fun skying. But the weather and my health had different ideas, so here I am in the house starting the second layer planking.

Of course, it all starts with some measurements and planning. This is not showed in the pictures, planning is boring and tedious and I know you all are looking for action.

Before that i have sanded the hull really well and used some auto putty to fill the gaps and straighten the places that were not in the correct shape. I used the auto putty because it was more cheaper than the wood one and the internet said it is good for this job.

This is how it looks now, partially planked with walnut :

It looks to me pretty good, I am not decided yet if I will paint it darker or just leave it as it is and use some mate varnish (this will make it just a bit more darker and hopefully not very desirable for the spiders and other insects that are leaving here with me.

I have also worked a bit on the deck, planking the wall to the captain's cabin and the door.

I did that just in time because I had an unexpected visitor. Captain Jack Sparrow himself dropped by to see how the construction is going. He needs the Pearl for some unspecified business.

Judging from his stance, I would say he is not very satisfied and he is preparing a motivational speech for the workers: "Work you maggots! Where is the rum?"

This is it for today. See you soon with more updates from building the Black Pearl.

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